A syllabus for the "stupidest guy on the face of the earth"

Iraq war architect Douglas Feith gets a faculty job at Georgetown.

Published May 26, 2006 3:33PM (EDT)

The man Gen. Tommy Franks once called "the stupidest guy on the face of the earth" has landed a teaching job at Georgetown's School of Foreign Service, and he's apparently not getting much of a welcome there.

As the New York Times reported Thursday, some faculty members and students are appalled that their school would hire -- without a vote of the faculty -- former Defense Department official Douglas Feith, an architect of the Iraq war who was instrumental in selling phony Iraq-al-Qaida links.

But there are two sides to every story, we're told, and liberal blogger Jesus' General is getting out in front of this one by offering up a syllabus Feith might fancy for the coming school year. The class is "Fiction Driven Foreign Policy," and it would give students the opportunity to study "the latest methods for undermining reality-based analysis using fantasy, fiction, treachery, torture and ad hominem argumentation."

Among the course requirements: Students must "demostrate that the Syracuse mascot, a huge fat orange, is in fact a mobile biological weapons lab and a contributor to Move On," and they must "successfully defend" one of the following claims: "(a) Ronald Reagan invented televison; (b) Ann Coulter is a woman; (c) Intelligent design is science; or (d) We've turned the corner in Iraq." Bonus points are available for "betraying a CIA Agent" or "assassinating that shifty looking professor of French studies."

By Tim Grieve

Tim Grieve is a senior writer and the author of Salon's War Room blog.

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