What else we're reading

Face lifts, depressed babies, gay politicians and more!

Published November 10, 2006 12:07AM (EST)

United Press International: Good grease news from the fat police! According to a new study from the New England Journal of Medicine, high-fat diets for women do not necessarily lead to increased heart disease. In fact, women who ingested high amounts of vegetable oils had a 30 percent lower risk of heart disease than those ingesting high amounts of animal fats.

Associated Press: Does your baby have trouble getting out of the bed in the morning? The toddler psychologists have already introduced us to the prevalence of medicated preschoolers; now, the AP reports that 1 in 40 babies suffer from depression.

Wired News: A look at the limits and powers of "perv-tracking" technology in the wake of California passing Prop. 83 -- which, among other things, requires lifelong GPS monitoring for felony sex offenders. (Side note: The San Francisco Chronicle reports that "a federal judge has blocked local enforcement of a provision [in Prop. 83] forbidding past offenders from living within 2,000 feet of a school or park," in San Francisco, Alameda, Marin and Sonoma counties, at least temporarily.)

The New Yorker: Rebecca Mead reviews "Beauty Junkies," the cosmetic-surgery memoir by New York Times shopping columnist Alex Kuczynski, which Mead calls "an anomalous literary phenomenon: a muckraking book that comes out, on balance, in favor of muck." Mead seems less entranced, suggesting that "a culture that insists on the appearance of nubile availability among women old enough to be grandmothers" is borderline "tyrannical."

And, today's a proud day: Nerve noticed that a record number of gay and lesbian politicians have been elected to federal, state and local offices this year.

By Carol Lloyd

Carol Lloyd is currently at work on a book about the gentrification wars in San Francisco's Mission District.

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