Song of the Day: "7:25," Mogwai

A musical portrait of Zin

Published June 7, 2007 7:01AM (EDT)

Glasgow, Scotland's Mogwai have been unfortunate enough to have their brand of sweeping instrumental music saddled with opaque tags like "post rock" and "experimental rock," but as far as I'm concerned "really good" is a better, simpler way to describe what they do. By slowly building their songs layer by layer, Mogwai end up with something almost cinematic in scope and feel. Accordingly, the band was commissioned to provide the soundtrack to the recent documentary "Zidane: A 21st Century Portrait," which placed 17 cameras on French soccer god Zinédane Zidane throughout the course of a single game. I'm not sure what's going on in the match when "7:25" occurs, but to my ears the piece captures some of the same grace and calm that "Zizou" exudes on the soccer pitch, World Cup head-butt incident notwithstanding.

-- David Marchese

The Song of the Day is also available as a podcast. (Subscribe: iTunes or RSS)

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