Who says novogenarians can't have fun?

A 90-year-old man in India just fathered his 20th or so child -- and wants more.

Published August 23, 2007 1:40PM (EDT)

Male Broadsheet readers, are you worried that there's no sex after 90? Never fear. British newspaper the Times reports on a man who would put the Duggar family to shame. As the article puts it, "The world's oldest new dad has fathered his 21st child at the age of 90 and he says that he plans to continue breeding for at least another decade."

Yup. The dad in question is Nanu Ram Jogi, a farmer in Rajasthan, India. And to be fair, he actually doesn't remember the exact number of kids he has fathered (after 15, they start to blur together), but according to the Times he estimates his grand total to be 12 sons and nine daughters. My advice for Jogi: If you can't remember how many children you've fathered, you might want to consider not having any more. If memory still fails, you can always ask for help from one of your four wives.

Alas, the article doesn't make it clear how many of those women are still living. (He married his first wife in 1942; his latest, with whom he has seven children, is the former wife of one of his other sons, who died 10 years ago.) But it does include some choice quotes from Jogi. "Women love me," he told the Times as he showed off his latest child. "I can survive another few decades and want to have children till I am 100. Then maybe it will be time to stop."

I'm impressed that Jogi still has enough juice to reproduce -- but it makes you wonder. What's his secret? Luckily, he shared it with the Times:

"I eat all kinds of meat: rabbits, lamb, chicken and wild animals," he's quoted as saying. "There is a dense forest around the village. I go hunting most days and eat whatever I catch. Lots of food is my secret to staying healthy. I will survive another few decades to take care of these kids!"

I'm tempted to suggest that he might want to slow down the reproduction now that he's in his 10th decade. But as far as the sex goes, you know what? At this point, that'd almost be like telling a 90-year-old to stop smoking. He might want to consider experimenting with birth control. (Remember how older men's sperm may be linked to a higher risk for autism?) But if he has a condom and a willing partner, I think he should keep it up till he's 100. Pun intended.

By Catherine Price

Catherine Price is an award-winning journalist and author of Vitamania: How Vitamins Revolutionized the Way We Think About Food. Her written and multimedia work has appeared in publications including The Best American Science Writing, The New York Times, Popular Science, O: The Oprah Magazine, the Los Angeles Times, The San Francisco Chronicle, The Washington Post Magazine, Salon, Slate, Men’s Journal, Mother Jones, PARADE, Health Magazine, and Outside. Price lives in Philadelphia.

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