Michelle Obama on "The View"

She's proud of her country, Hillary Clinton -- and her signature fist bump!

Published June 18, 2008 6:50PM (EDT)

On the morning that the Times ran a front-page story about Michelle Obama's recalibrating her image in the wake of conservative attacks, the potential first lady appeared friendly, well spoken, likable, if understandably measured, on "The View." It was a big moment for her, what Times writer Jodi Kantor dubbed "the television equivalent of a Broadway debut." No scandal, no surprises, really, but there was the expected discussion of her pride comment, to which Obama responded:

"Of course I am proud of my country. Nowhere but America could my story be possible. I'm a girl who grew up on the South Side of Chicago, my father was a working-class guy who worked his shift all his life, and because of his hard work he sent not just me but my brother to Princeton ... I am proud of my country without a doubt."

In a first-lady lovefest, Michelle expressed her gratitude to Laura Bush for defending her about those comments, and she gave props to Hillary: "Hillary Clinton says she created 18 million cracks on a ceiling, and we need to keep pushing it and pushing it. Because it's only until women like her step out, take the risk, take those hits, and it's painful. And it's hurtful, but she has taken them so that my girls when they come along they won't have to feel it as badly."

Most important, however, is that Obama greeted the guests with her signature fist bump (also known, in some circles, as a terrorist fist jab!). She admitted, like the adorable square she is, "I got this from the young staff … it's the new high-five."

Watch the magic below:

*Note: An earlier typo in Michelle Obama's transcript has been fixed, thanks to the tip-off from our vigilant letter writers. I apologize for the error.

By Sarah Hepola

Sarah Hepola is the author of the New York Times bestselling memoir, "Blackout: Remembering the Things I Drank to Forget."

MORE FROM Sarah Hepola

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