Fired up for party unity

After Hillary Clinton's speech on Tuesday night, we pulled out the video camera to check in with Obama and Clinton delegates and supporters.

Published August 27, 2008 5:46PM (EDT)

DENVER -- We almost missed it.

While trying to enter the hall for Hillary Clinton's speech last night, we crossed paths with Michelle Obama. After her entrance (and in preparation for Clinton's) the Secret Service closed any access to the hall, so we high-tailed it up to the top floor and managed to find standing room almost parallel to the rafters.

Following the speech and back on the ground, we checked in with some attendees and Clinton and Obama delegates -- all were ready to follow Clinton's call to embrace her formal rival.

By Caitlin Shamberg

Caitlin Shamberg is a former multimedia editor at Salon.

MORE FROM Caitlin Shamberg

By Rebecca Traister

Rebecca Traister writes for Salon. She is the author of "Big Girls Don't Cry: The Election that Changed Everything for American Women" (Free Press). Follow @rtraister on Twitter.

MORE FROM Rebecca Traister

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