Quote of the day

Sen. Barbara Boxer on Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

Published August 29, 2008 9:41PM (EDT)

"The vice president is a heartbeat away from becoming president, so to choose someone with not one hour's worth of experience on national issues is a dangerous choice.

"If John McCain thought that choosing Sarah Palin would attract Hillary Clinton voters, he is badly mistaken. The only similarity between her and Hillary Clinton is that they are both women. On the issues, they could not be further apart.

"Sen. McCain had so many other options if he wanted to put a woman on his ticket, such as Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison or Sen. Olympia Snowe -- they would have been an appropriate choice compared to this dangerous choice."

-- Sen. Barbara Boxer, attacking Sen. McCain's veep pick, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

By Katharine Mieszkowski

Katharine Mieszkowski is a senior writer for Salon.

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