Where will you be on 1/20?

Inauguration Day plans and memories from the members of Salon's Table Talk community.

Published January 19, 2009 6:30PM (EST)

White House

Inauguration Fever 

Randall - 05:22 pm Pacific Time - Jan 13, 2009 - #167 of 292

After President Obama gives his Inaugural Address, he will escort outgoing President George W. Bush to a departure ceremony.

Is that what they call a perp walk?

Bill Froelich - 08:09 pm Pacific Time - Jan 13, 2009 - #170 of 292

My wife teaches kindergarten through 2nd grade in a special ed school. Her students are all black children.

My wife has been teaching them about our election process since fall, explaining the campaign and then the election. Now they are studying the innauguration.

Until today, my wife never told them whom she voted for. When it somehow slipped out today that she voted for Obama one of her students exclaimed, "You voted for Obama? Why? You're white!"

She began by telling them a little bit about segregation, something they could not imagine. "That's not fair," one student said when my wife told them that blacks did not have the same rights as whites. Then she told them a little bit about MLK and how he worked to end segregation. Next week she'll be teaching them about Rosa Parks and the Montgomery bus boycott.

foggyone - 08:44 am Pacific Time - Jan 15, 2009 - #186 of 292

My office is in the converted 4-car garage at my boss's house. He's told us that he'll leave the door to his house open, the big flat screen TV on and tuned to the right station, and we're welcome to watch the whole thing if we want to.

Which is pretty remarkable for a guy who, until the middle of last year when he covered it up with an Obama sticker, sported a Bush/Cheney 04 sticker on his pickup truck.

Elmo Beachwin - 12:41 pm Pacific Time - Jan 16, 2009 - #196 of 292

Our boss just announced that he'll be having lunch brought in so we can watch the ceremony.

longtime - 07:22 am Pacific Time - Jan 17, 2009 - #205 of 292

I've signed up to go to a MoveOn party after work in a local wine bar.

R. Prichard - 09:48 am Pacific Time - Jan 17, 2009 - #207 of 292

My parents were so thrilled about the election of JFK, a brilliant Irish Catholic president, that they drove to D.C. from southwest central Kansas to watch the inaugural parade with my aunt and uncle.

There was a huge blizzard that covered D.C. with heavy snow and drifts, but they managed to find a place to watch the parade. We have a picture of them huddled together grinning where they watched the parade -- taken from the middle of the street by somebody. And pictures taken by my father of the Kennedys as they rode by.

Seeing the Kennedys on their great day was a joy they relived every time they told about it.

I hope all who get to go this time have as great a time as my family did.

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