RNC's insurance covers abortion

By the reasoning behind the Stupak amendment, the committee might have paid to terminate employees' pregnancies

Published November 13, 2009 1:01AM (EST)

Holy hypocrisy, GOP: The Republican National Committee's health insurance plan covers abortion. This news comes by way of Politico's Meredith Shiner and Jonathan Allen, who appropriately point out the obvious conflict here: "The party’s own platform calls [abortion] 'a fundamental assault on innocent human life.'" The RNC didn't opt out of abortion coverage, though, even though that is allowed by Cigna, its insurer. Worse yet, though, is the fact that 176 House Republicans voted for the Stupak amendment, which restricts federal funds from going toward insurance plans that cover abortion. God forbid the government help you to get an insurance plan just like the one enjoyed by the RNC.

When Politico called up RNC spokeswoman Gail Gitcho to ask about this funny little wrinkle, she explained that, oh, uh, the policy was instituted before Michael Steele became the RNC chairman. What about philosophical consistency, though? According to the reasoning behind the Stupak amendment, by paying for a plan that covers abortion, the RNC itself just might have paid for abortions.

By Tracy Clark-Flory

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