Rip Torn pleads not guilty in Conn. bank break-in

The actor defends himself, claiming he was too drunk to tell breaking into a bank from arriving at his home

Published March 30, 2010 4:05PM (EDT)

Actor Rip Torn has pleaded not guilty burglary and firearms charges during a court hearing in Connecticut.

Torn's attorney says his client, currently appearing in the movie "Happy Tears," is also making progress in alcohol rehabilitation, and is now has moved from an inpatient to an outpatient program.

State police say the 79-year-old was so intoxicated on the night of Jan. 29 that he broke into a bank with a loaded gun thinking it was his home in Salisbury in northwestern Connecticut.

Torn received probation last year in a separate Connecticut DUI case and also had alcohol-related arrests in New York in the past.

He is due back in court on April 27.

By Associated Press

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