Kagame 'not Excited' By France's Genocide Report

Published January 15, 2012 7:36PM (EST)

KIGALI, Rwanda (AP) — Rwandan President Paul Kagame says he's "not very excited" by a report released by a French commission that found that the missile fire that brought down the Rwandan president's plane in 1994 and sparked the country's genocide came from a military camp and not Tutsi rebels.

The findings essentially clear several people close to Kagame, who was the leader of the Tutsi rebels at the time of the assassination. French judges had filed preliminary charges against Kagame's allies and were investigating the incident because a French air crew were killed in the plane crash.

Kagame on Sunday said that while he was happy with the findings, he takes issue with the idea that Rwanda or Africa should be judged and defined by outsiders.

By Salon Staff

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