Sheriff: Mushroom Pickers Took Shelter In Tree

Published February 5, 2012 12:00AM (EST)

PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — A couple and their adult son who survived six days deep in the Oregon coastal forest took shelter inside a hollowed-out tree after they got lost while looking for mushrooms.

Curry County Sheriff John Bishop says Belinda and Daniel Conne, both 47, and their 25-year-old son, Michael, were in better condition than he would have thought possible when they were found Saturday in the woods near Gold Beach.

Bishop says the Connes were dehydrated and hungry, but their injuries were minimal.

He says the three tried to get to a clearing so they would be spotted by passing airplanes and search helicopters, but they were slowed by various injuries.

Bishop says the family likely could have survived for two or three more days in the area, where fresh water is plentiful but food is scarce.

By Salon Staff

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