Turkey: Annan plan is last chance for Syria

Published March 30, 2012 11:09PM (EDT)

ISTANBUL (AP) — Turkey says a peace plan by U.N. envoy Kofi Annan is the "last chance" for the embattled Syrian regime and that it will face "strong measures" from the international community if it fails to implement the deal.

Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu did not specify what those measures might be, saying it was the responsibility of the U.N. Security Council to address the matter. However, Russia and China have blocked action at the United Nations against Syrian President Bashar Assad.

In an interview with The Associated Press on Friday, Davutoglu said there was a danger that Syria might try to use Annan's plan as a way to buy time, promising to stop its crackdown but actually continuing with repression.

Davutoglu says hope for the Annan plan will be lost if there is a delay in its implementation and the killing continues.

By Salon Staff

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