US uses a sting to snare Trenton mayor

FBI informants used a fake land development deal to try to bribe Tony Mack

Published September 11, 2012 7:15AM (EDT)

TRENTON, N.J. (AP) — Federal authorities have turned to a familiar method to build a case against Trenton's mayor. The FBI used informants to try to bribe Tony Mack over a made-up land development deal.

Federal law enforcement officials did the same thing in the massive "Bid Rig" case in 2009. In that case, 46 people were arrested.

Most pleaded guilty, though four had their charges dropped and two were acquitted. Disgraced real estate developer Solomon Dwek bribed several officials over development plans.

Authorities have not named the two informants who helped build the case against Mack, his brother and a supporter. But they have said one was doing it for a break in his own legal case and the other was paid.


By Geoff Mulvihill

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