NYC big-soda crackdown plan goes to vote Thursday

The city's Board of Health will vote on Bloomberg's controversial proposal [UPDATED]

Published September 13, 2012 6:47AM (EDT)

NEW YORK (AP) — One of New York City's most ambitious efforts to prod residents to live healthier appears poised to pass as a health panel takes up a plan to cut down sales of big-sized sodas and other sugary drinks.

Thursday's Board of Health meeting could bring the final vote on the proposal. But it may not be the final word.

The plan would bar sales of sugar-heavy drinks in more than 16-ounce cups or containers in restaurants, movie theaters and some other settings.

Advocates include Mayor Michael Bloomberg and a roster of doctors. They say the proposal strikes at a leading cause of obesity.

Soda makers and sellers say the plan unfairly singles out soft drinks as fat culprits. A beverage industry-led group says it's considering suing if the proposal passes.

Update: The New York City Board of Health has approved the ban, which will go into effect in six months.

By David B. Caruso

MORE FROM David B. Caruso

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