During her speech at last night's Center for Reproductive Rights' Inaugural Gala, comedian Tina Fey addressed Missouri senate hopeful Todd Akin's "legitimate rape" comment, joining a slew of vocal, funny ladies who have spoken out against the GOP's perceived war on women:
Todd Akin claims that women can't really get pregnant from a legitimate rape because the body secretes hormones. Now I can't even finish this sentence without getting dumber; it's making me dumber when I say it—but it's something about the body not being able to get pregnant when it's under physical stress. Mr. Akin, I think you are confusing the phrase 'legitimate rape' with the phrase 'competitive gymnastics.'"
Fey summed up anger felt by many women across the country, "If I have to listen to one more gray-faced man with a two-dollar haircut explain to me what rape is, I'm gonna lose my mind. I watch these guys and I'm, like, 'What is happening? Am I a secretary on 'Mad Men'? What's happening?'"
h/t E Online