Cyclist Lance Armstrong, who in October 2012 was stripped of his 7 Tour de France titles after the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency charged him for taking performance enhancing drugs, has continued to deny doping--until yesterday. Armstrong opened up about the issue for the first time ever, admitting to Oprah in a 2.5 hour interview that he did, in fact, use performance enhancing drugs while competing.
Descriptions of the interview itself give the impression that Armstrong surrendered during an intense, emotional session with Oprah, who said on "CBS This Morning" that Armstrong "did not come clean in the manner I had expected":
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The interview will not broadcast until Thursday, but many have taken to Twitter to balk at the confession already, which they see as "too little, too late" for the athlete who had numerous opportunities to come clean:
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In addition to confessing, CBS has reported that Armstrong is currently in talks with U.S. Justice Department officials to talk about returning millions of dollars in sponsorship funding from the U.S. Postal Service.