Between news of the IRS targeting the Tea Party, the on-going hearings on Benghazi and the Department of Justice spying on AP reporters, President Barack Obama is knee-deep in scandals. How did the nation's leader learn about these alleged abuses of government power? From the news. Says an incredulous Jon Stewart:"I wouldn't be surprised if President Obama learned Osama bin Laden had been killed when he saw himself announcing it on television!"
Must-see morning clip: President Obama heard about IRS, DoJ scandals from the news
"The Daily Show's" Jon Stewart finds it hard to believe that the president was as unaware as the general public
By Prachi Gupta
Published May 15, 2013 1:17PM (EDT)

By Prachi Gupta
Prachi Gupta is an Assistant News Editor for Salon, focusing on pop culture. Follow her on Twitter at @prachigu or email her at
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