Philippines farmers face "double tragedy" in typhoon's aftermath

The United Nations' food agency is calling for urgent assistance to help clean and clear agricultural land

Published November 27, 2013 3:35PM (EST)

It will be a long time before Tacloban City recovers from the devastating effects of Typhoon Haiyan. But for rural farmers, the storm's true impact has yet to be seen. Without immediate and significant assistance, the storm's survivors will struggle to recover, the U.N.'s food agency said Wednesday. From Reuters:

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) said more than $11 million is needed to help clean and clear agricultural land and de-silt irrigation canals in the aftermath of Typhoon Haiyan, which killed at least 3,900 people when it struck on November 8.

That is in addition to the $20 million already requested by FAO to help farmers fertilize, irrigate and maintain their crops to ensure the next harvests in 2014, the Rome-based agency said in a statement.

"It would be a double tragedy if next spring farming families still needed to rely on continued humanitarian food assistance because we haven't been able to support them as they recover from this disaster," said Dominique Burgeon, Director of FAO's Emergency and Rehabilitation Division.

As a reminder: how to help.

By Lindsay Abrams

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