Tea Party troll Todd Kincannon goes on misogynistic anti-Wendy Davis Twitter rant

A former GOP operative provides an ugly view into what motivates some of the right's hatred for the Texas Democrat

Published January 27, 2014 6:26PM (EST)

All the evidence indicates that Todd Kincannon, a former South Carolina GOP operative, is a bad dude. Not only in the sense that he frequently tweets things that are hostile, bigoted and dehumanizing — which he does — but also in the sense that he's quite likely a sexual harasser, too. A real winner.

It shouldn't come as a surprise, then, to find that Kincannon, who regards himself as some kind of Twitter provocateur, has caused an outrage on Twitter with his latest barrage of hate-tweets. But instead of focusing his ire on Trayvon Martin, trans* people, or U.S. veterans, Kincannon has set his sights on Wendy Davis, the Texas Democrat who is currently in the midst of running her underdog campaign to become the next governor of the Lone Star State.

Davis has been receiving a ton of criticism from the right as of late over embellishing her backstory throughout her political career. While some of the criticism is valid, much of it has had a distinctly cruel and misogynistic tinge to it — like Erick Erickson's charge that Davis is an "abortion Barbie," or Bristol Palin's claim that Davis was "pathetic" and proof-positive that "feminism is a farce." The sexist accusations and insinuations have gotten so bad that they've inspired one Texas Republican to come out in Davis' defense.

But leave it to Kincannon to take an already shameful and degrading meme within conservatism and transform it into an all-out paroxysm of hate-tweeting rage. At the time of this writing, Kincannon's Twitter account has been suspended, but here are some screen-caps of the tweets that may be the reason why:

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By Elias Isquith

Elias Isquith is a former Salon staff writer.

MORE FROM Elias Isquith

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Bristol Palin Election 2014 Erick Erickson Misogyny Rush Limbaugh Sexism Texas Todd Kincannon Wendy Davis