The band Sisyphus, comprised of the combined genius of Sufjan Stevens and alternative hip-hop musicians Son Lux and Serengeti, has released a stream of their first full-length album, which is out on March 18 of this year. The trio previously released their 2012 EP, Beak & Claw, under the moniker s/s/s before Stevens thought the name sounded like "the Nazi Schutzstaffel with a lisp." The album, according to The Guardian, was put together in three red wine-fueled weeks. Listen to "Rhythm of Devotion," "SINGLES" and "Calm It Down" below, or stream the entire thing here.
Listen up: Sufjan Stevens, Son Lux and Serengeti release stream of upcoming album
Stream Sisyphu's new self-titled new album, which combines alternative hip-hop with Stevens' Age of Adz-like pop
By Sarah Gray
Published March 6, 2014 6:33PM (EST)
By Sarah Gray
Sarah Gray is an assistant editor at Salon, focusing on innovation. Follow @sarahhhgray or email
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