Space porn: These images are (quite literally) out of this world

What "Gravity" got right? Space is incredible and well worth viewing

Published March 6, 2014 2:13PM (EST)

The Oscar winning sci-fi hit "Gravity" had a budget of $100 million. For only $33 million more NASA is going to attempt to land on an asteroid -- a precursor to a potential Mars mission. Why simulate space when we can go there?

Unless you have $250,000 in bitcoins lying around like the Winklevoss twins, a $14 trip to an IMAX is probably in closer reach than the stars. (And if you are wondering how realistic the movie is, please read this fabulous essay by former astronaut Garret Reisman.) But because reality in this case is far more brilliant than fiction, here are some amazing real "Gravity" photos taken by NASA.

By Sarah Gray

Sarah Gray is an assistant editor at Salon, focusing on innovation. Follow @sarahhhgray or email

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