On Wednesday, Alec Baldwin, who is currently failing at his attempt to "quit public life," guest-starred in an episode of "Law & Order: SVU," joined by Katie Couric and Questlove. Mariska Hargitay, who plays detective Olivia Benson, debuted as director in the episode investigating a rape and possible hate crime of an Indian woman.
Baldwin, an actor who happens to hate the media, played a controversial newspaper columnist, Jimmy "Mac" MacArthur, who impeded the investigation. In a bright turn of events, though, the bristly Mac turned out not to be the bad guy we all think he is.
"I always land on my feet," he told Benson at the end of the episode. "I am 55 years old. My profession is dying. My ex-wives all hate me. My credit cards are maxed out because I've got three kids in college."
Then, with a smile and a cough, he added, "And I never felt better in my life."