Hillary Clinton weighing 2016 run, is "very much concerned" about direction of the country

"I’m obviously thinking about all kinds of decisions," Clinton said over the weekend

Published March 23, 2014 3:10PM (EDT)

  (Reuters/Kevin Lamarque)
(Reuters/Kevin Lamarque)

Hillary Clinton said Saturday night that she is weighing a 2016 run and is “very much concerned” about the direction of the country, including inaction around climate change.

As the Washington Post reports, Clinton made the comments at a Clinton Global Initiative University conference at Arizona State University.

Inevitably, Clinton's ambitions for 2016 came up during the question and answer period. On this topic, a student asked Clinton, “If you don’t represent women in politics in America as future president, who will?”

“I appreciate the sentiment," Clinton responded. "I’m obviously thinking about all kinds of decisions.

“Look,” she continued, “I am very much concerned about the direction of our country -- and it’s not just who runs for office, but what they do when they get there and how we bring people together and particularly empower young people so that we can tackle these hard decisions we’ve just been talking about.”

Clinton expressed particular concern about climate change, telling the crowd, “This is not just some ancillary issue. This will determine in large measure the quality of life in so many places around the world. I’m hoping that there will be this mass movement that demands political change.”


By Katie McDonough

Katie McDonough is Salon's politics writer, focusing on gender, sexuality and reproductive justice. Follow her on Twitter @kmcdonovgh or email her at kmcdonough@salon.com.

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