What the heck is gluten anyways? Science explains what all the fuss is about

If you don't have celiac disease, or a gluten intolerance there is really no health benefit to cutting out gluten

Published May 16, 2014 6:10PM (EDT)

You may have noticed the wide proliferation of "gluten-free" products, or heard from a friend with celiac disease that they cannot eat the substance. But what the heck is it? Is it harmful, and worth cutting out as the latest food trend suggests?

Well science has an explanation. And added bonus: The guys at AsapSCIENCE have illustrated that answer in one of their cool science videos. Turns out, gluten is a protein, and there is little evidence to show that it makes much of a difference if you cut gluten out of your diet. Unless of course you have celiac disease, in that case you'll want to stay far away from the protein to avoid a negative reaction. For those with "gluten sensitivity," there is new evidence to suggest that going gluten free won't solve all of your gastronomic issues; there may be other protein intolerances at work. The video below explains:


By Sarah Gray

Sarah Gray is an assistant editor at Salon, focusing on innovation. Follow @sarahhhgray or email sgray@salon.com.

MORE FROM Sarah Gray

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