Macaulay Culkin's pizza-themed Velvet Underground cover band got booed off stage

The crowd also threw beer at the actor-turned-musician

Published May 27, 2014 3:39PM (EDT)

    (<a href="">Everett Collection</a> / <a href=""></a>)
(Everett Collection /

The comedy of Macaulay Culkin's pizza-themed Velvet Underground/Lou Reed cover band, Pizza Undergound, was not apparent to its audience in Nottingham, England, where the parody band was booed off stage amid a torrent of beer bottles. The band, participating in the Dot to Dot Festival in the UK, is known for its bizarre kazoo solos, pizza-box banging and pizza parodies like, "Take a Bite of the Wild Slice" ("Walk on the Wild Side"), "All The Pizza Parties" ("All Tomorrow's Parties") and "It's a Pizza Day" ("Perfect Day"). Apparently, that is about as annoying as it sounds, though the crowd at Rock City went a little too far to express their displeasure, according to the Nottingham Post.

After being attacked by beer bottles, Culkin cried, "Why are you throwing those? I’d rather drink them!"

This was not enough to sway the audience, however, and Culkin felt compelled to end the set. "That's the end of the show, goodnight." The band later tweeted:

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Not all of the band's performances were, err, as poorly received. Pitchfork reports that the band was booed in Bristol on Saturday, but there was no beer:

By Prachi Gupta

Prachi Gupta is an Assistant News Editor for Salon, focusing on pop culture. Follow her on Twitter at @prachigu or email her at

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