"Your world is on fire!" Ted Cruz wants this terrified little girl to know the end is nigh

Cruz took an odd approach to inspiring voters in a speech this Sunday

Published March 16, 2015 1:28PM (EDT)

  (Reuters/Kevin Lamarque)
(Reuters/Kevin Lamarque)

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tx.) took an odd approach to riling up voters in a New Hampshire speech on Sunday -- by shouting at a child. According to reports, at an event held by the Strafford County Republican Committee, Cruz attempted to convey the urgency of the American political situation:

"It's now or never," he said. "I don't think we've reached the point of no return yet. But we're close. We are close! And I believe if we go four or eight more years on this same path, we risk losing the greatest country in the history of the world."

He continued: "And the Obama-Clinton foreign policy of leading from behind -- the whole world is on fire."

"The world is on fire?!" asked a little girl who was in the arms of her mother.

"The world is on fire," he replied. "Yes! Your world is on fire!"

After a moment in which is bizarre fearmongering set in, he revised his statement. "But you know what?" he said. "Your mommy is here and everyone is here to make sure that the world you grow up in is even better."

By Joanna Rothkopf

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