Watch "True Detectives" Vince Vaughn and Colin Farrell interrogate each other about their deepest, darkest secrets

The game "True Confessions" quickly escalates to become a "Jinx"-style interrogation scene

Published June 19, 2015 2:24PM (EDT)

Colin Farrell, Vince Vaughn, Jimmy Fallon   (The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon)
Colin Farrell, Vince Vaughn, Jimmy Fallon (The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon)

Did Vince Vaughn once defiantly demand the stage in the title role of Oscar Hammerstein's "The King and I"? Did Jimmy Fallon once get his head stuck in a fence? Was Colin Farrell once a murder suspect?

"True Detectives" Vince Vaughn and Colin Farrell stopped by the "Tonight Show" Thursday night to play a game of "True Confessions" with Jimmy Fallon. The game, as anyone who's ever attended summer camp knows, is kind of just like the icebreaker two-truths-and-a-lie icebreaker. Only, much darker and with a lot more yelling.

Watch the clip below, as the duo turns the game into a full-on "Jinx" interrogation scene:

By Colin Gorenstein

Colin Gorenstein is Salon's assistant editor of internet and viral content. Follow @colingorenstein or email

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