"Game of Thrones" star Emilia Clarke gives fans hope of Jon Snow's return: "It’s a 50/50 chance"

We hope she's right!

Published June 25, 2015 9:15PM (EDT)

Spoilers, duh.

When Jon Snow got the Julius Caesar treatment on the "Game of Thrones" season finale, fans responded less with unmitigated grief (although there was some of that) than with cautious optimism. What with Melisandre's conveniently-timed arrival at Castle Black and all the resurrections we've witnessed lately, surely Jon Snow isn't, like, Ned-dead, right?

While Kit Harington attempted to quash rumors of his resurrection by telling Variety "I’m not coming back next season," and co-showrunner Dan Weiss told EW that "dead is dead," fans are still holding out hope. Narratively, it just doesn't make sense to axe Jon Snow at this point in the game; As our own Sonia Saraiya wrote: "It just seems like killing him off would ruin a lot of what the story has been trying to accomplish, especially just as Tyrion’s presence in Meereen has indicated quite strongly to the viewers that as Dany has not just one dragon, but three, each one could use a dragonrider."

Well, on a recent interview with MTV, Emilia Clarke — AKA, Daenerys Stormborn, Mother of Dragons herself — gave us the first clue hope that Jon Snow's watch may not have truly ended. Prefacing her remarks by saying that the showrunners don’t tell her anything because she’s a terrible liar and that “with all honesty [she has no] idea what’s happening,” Clarke says she thinks there's a decent chance Jon could be brought back from the dead. As she put it: “I mean if I had to bet I would say it’s a 50/50 chance of like — I mean, there’s some helpful people there who could bring him on back to life.”

You said it, Khaleesi!

By Anna Silman

MORE FROM Anna Silman

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