We’re never sure why some “SNL” sketches don’t make the cut, and this latest offering from the NBC gods only reinforces our confusion.
The sketch in question is an ad for “Jason Statham’s Jason Steakums” (made from "100% cow face!”) from last September's season premiere, featuring a bald-capped Chris Pratt doing a spot-on impression of the action star teaching viewers how to, well, eat steak. "‘Put the steakum inside that open space that your mouth makes,” intones Pratt in a gruff cockney accent. "Now, open and close your mouth as if you were talking. if you can’t think of anything to say, just say ‘Jason Statham’s Jason Steakums.'"
Did “Jon Hamm’s John Ham” not teach Lorne Michaels that sketches centered on celebrity-based food puns are always winners?
Watch below: