Must-see morning clip: Boy George & Jack Black join Robby Krieger for a glorious tribute to The Doors

The fan-duo delivers some convincing yell-singing in Jim Morrison's absence

Published July 14, 2015 1:31PM (EDT)

 Robby Krieger, Jack Black, Boy George     (Team Coco)
Robby Krieger, Jack Black, Boy George (Team Coco)

If it were just Jack Black and Boy George paying a late-night tribute to The Doors' "rad" yell-singing, that would have been enough (dayenu!). But Conan didn't stop there. Following Comic-Con week, the host had to keep the insanity going with a surprise guest appearance from the band's legendary guitarist Robby Krieger to bring it home.  Jim Morrison may have had the best yell in history, but the fan-duo made a truly valiant attempt at it in his absence.

Watch the clip courtesy of Team Coco below:

By Colin Gorenstein

Colin Gorenstein is Salon's assistant editor of internet and viral content. Follow @colingorenstein or email

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