In his "Talking Points Memo" segment on Wednesday, Bill O'Reilly complained about the Obama administration's plan to release 6,000 non-violent drug offenders early, claiming via one greased slope of an argument that it would trigger an uptick in violent crime.
O'Reilly argued that President Obama and his previous attorney general, Eric Holder, wrongly believed that the mandatory sentencing guidelines adopted at the height of the "War on Drugs" were racist, and that selling drugs like heroin, crack, and meth aren't "violent" offenses. (Of course, the overwhelming majority of those being released were incarcerated for possession of marijuana, a "crime" which is now legal in up 23 states, counting those with medicinal exceptions.)
"All of this liberal compassion for criminals is having an effect," he said. "Violent crime is rising quickly in many places, as more lenient sentencing and anti-police rhetoric is kicking in."
"Never mind that folks addicted to those drugs commit the majority of property crimes in America, as well as the majority of child abuse," O'Reilly argued, because what's the point in having a slippery slope if you're not committed to sliding down it?
"Never mind that drug overdoses kill thousands of Americans every year," he continued. "Never mind that drug gangs in places like Chicago and Miami are responsible for an incredible amount of violence, as you need guns to compete in the street drug trade."
"After the mass prison release this month, expect violent crime to rise even more," O'Reilly concluded. "The drug trade is violent on its face and everybody knows it."
Watch the entire segment below via Fox News.