Donald Trump has a long history of making horrible misogynistic jokes and attacking women, but since making a splash onto the political scene with his June presidential campaign kick-off slamming Mexican immigrants as "criminals" and "rapists," the billionaire mogul has hardly let up on his penchant for making sexist swipes, making at least six controversial statements about women since entering the race.
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
Trump's latest sexist dig is directed at the DNC chairwoman. During a weekend interview with"Breitbart News Daily," the leading Republican presidential contender took out his frustration on the three GOP debates by directing misogynistic attacks toward the Florida congresswoman.
"You have this crazy Wasserman Schultz — Deborah Wasserman Schultz — who is in there, a highly neurotic woman," Trump said, describing Wassmerman-Schultz. "This is a woman that is a terrible person. I watch her on television. She's a terrible person," Trump continued. "And in all fairness, she negotiated a great deal for Hillary because they gave Hillary all softballs."
Megyn Kelly
"You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes," Trump said of Fox News host and first GOP debate moderator Megyn Kelly after she pressed the former reality TV star about his past history of misogynistic comments during the first GOP debate.
"Blood coming out of her wherever," he added. Trump's lewd comment sparked a short-lived conservative backlash, led by Red State editor Erick Erickson formally rescinding an invitation to his Southern political gathering back in August.
Trump also led a Twitter tirade, #BimboBarbie, turning Fox News fans against the onetime star of the network for daring to ask Trump pressing questions:
Carly Fiorina
Trump took another sexist swipe at his only female rival on the Republican side, Carly Fiorina. A September Rolling Stone profile revealed a particularly boorish moment for Trump on the campaign trail. “Look at that face!” he said at a conference table while he and his staff laughed as Fiorina took a question about him on television. “Would anyone vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next president?!”
During the second GOP debate when Trump denied he was referring to the former HP executive's face, insisting he was describing her persona, Fiorina delivered a simple debate stage smackdown. "I think women all over this country heard very clearly what Mr. Trump said," she said to wild applause.
Hillary Clinton
Shortly before announcing his candidacy, Trump got into a bit of hot water for this since-deleted tweet suggesting that Hillary Clinton is unqualified to become president because she "can't satisfy her husband":
Later, after making his run for president official, Trump again ran into the sexism charge after mocking Clinton during a campaign stop in South Carolina where he raised his voice to mock the former secretary of state.
"Hillary, who's become very shrill — do you know the word 'shrill'?" Trump asked the crowd, screeching. "She's become shrill." Trump would later double down on the sexist dis, denying its gendered application.
"I think the word 'shrill' doesn't apply to women exclusively," Trump said the next day on MSNBC. "I know many men who've become very loud and obnoxious also," said Trump, adding, "I would call Rand Paul shrill."
Ivanka Trump
This one is more creepy than it is sexist but nevertheless serves as an example of Trump's casually dismissive attitude toward women's sexuality. In an interview with Rolling Stone, Trump joked that if she wasn't his daughter, he'd date Ivanka Trump.
“Yeah, she’s really something, and what a beauty, that one. If I weren’t happily married and, ya know, her father . . . "
For her part, Ivanka defended her father's comments during a CNN interview. "Look, my father is very blunt, he is very direct. He is not gender specific in his criticism of people ... I don't think that he is gender targeted at all."
Trump even defends the burqa using sexist logic
The political neophyte argued at a recent campaign stop in New Hampshire for less U.S. intervention in the Middle East, pointing to cultural differences like the use of full body coverups for women.
“They want to” wear burqas, Trump said. “What the hell are we getting involved for?”
“In fact, it is easier” to wear a burqa, Trump argued. “You don’t have to put on makeup,” he said, pointing to women in the audience before waving his hand across his face.
“Wouldn’t that be easier,” he asked again. “I tell ya, if I was a woman,” Trump continued, signaling a burqa cover with the wave of his hand. “I’m ready, darling, let’s go,” he said, mimicking a woman forgoing makeup for a burqa.