Trump vetoed risqué "SNL" skits because "I want to stay leading in Iowa"

The controversial candidate hosts the sketch-comedy show this weekened

Published November 6, 2015 7:00PM (EST)

Donald Trump (AP/Nati Harnik)
Donald Trump (AP/Nati Harnik)

As Saturday night approaches, more and more details are leaking out about Donald Trump’s controversial “SNL” hosting gig.

As TV Newser reports, according to an interview with Bill O'Reilly airing on Fox News later today, Trump rejected a few skits because he thought they might not play well among Iowa voters.

“They come up with many, many skits and you pick the ones you think you like,” Trump explained. “There were a couple that were too risqué. Because you know, the poll just came down – I’m leading in Iowa, I want to stay leading in Iowa.”

“We all agree, Lorne Michaels is terrific. He’s a terrific guy," Trump continued. "We sit down and we look at like 30… They have all these writers. I walk into the room. They’re all young and all up in your face. But they come up with many, many skits and you pick the ones you think you like.”

As for how huuuuuuge the show is going to be, Trump appears to be managing expectations.

“I think some of it is going to be really great,” he tells O’Reilly. "It's work. I’m leaving here, I’m going over there for some more time. It’s work.”

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By Anna Silman

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