"I wish I could be white for one day": Women reveal a gut-wrenching secret

Women secretly admit to wondering what it's like to be white -- "so I can't be stereotyped, feared and hated"

Published November 8, 2015 12:30AM (EST)

  (<a href='http://www.shutterstock.com/gallery-696460p1.html'>PathDoc</a> via <a href='http://www.shutterstock.com/'>Shutterstock</a>)
(PathDoc via Shutterstock)

Whisper is a social network where men and women can express their deepest feelings anonymously. Below, women share their secret wish to know what it feels like to be white, "so that I can be treated like a human being with rights."

I find it really sad that I have to ask guys I meet if they like black girls. Sometimes I wish I was white, maybe then I wouldn't have to ask.

I wish I was white. So that I could have a regular American name and get blonde hair and different colored eyes. Sometimes they just have it easier.

 I wish I could be white for one day just to feel what it's like not to be judged the moment I walk into a room.

I kinda wish i was white because my bf seems to be more into white girls.

Sometimes I wish I was white so I can be treated like a human being with rights and not be stereotyped, feared and hated.

I wish I was white so that I could travel the country and world without worrying how people who look like me are treated in certain places

Sometimes I wish I was white because I think they are prettier and smarter than black people. I'm in all honors classes and all of the white people are so smart... I feel so stupid in those classes...

By Whisper Staff

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