"F*ck this is just depressing": Patton Oswalt's 16 best tweets as the Republicans dissolve into madness and fear

"Help us!" Patton Oswalt live-tweets the GOP debate, and the line between humor and horror

Published December 16, 2015 11:49AM (EST)

 patton_oswalt (AP/Chris Pizzello)
patton_oswalt (AP/Chris Pizzello)

Oh man, the Republicans are really going to nominate one of these people to be president:

Alan Simpson is watching this, saying the Internet really is a series of tubes:

When the best punchline is the truth:

Also, Chris Christie will be doing this right after the debate:

When Dr. Seuss knows as much as Dr. Kissinger:

Also in little-known quotes from Roosevelt's grandfather:


Ted Cruz stares down the social-justice warriors:

And in conclusion...

By Salon Staff

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