Bill O'Reilly repeatedly booed on Stephen Colbert show: Fox News host shows off his Bernie Sanders impression, bashes CNN and MSNBC

"Did you just have a stroke right now," Colbert asks, after O'Reilly does a bizarre Bernie Sanders impression

Published February 9, 2016 4:58PM (EST)

Stephen Colbert brought "The O'Reilly Factor"'s curmudgeonly namesake, Bill O'Reilly, onto Monday night's "Late Show." After Megyn Kelly's post-Super Bowl appearance, O'Reilly is the second Fox News host to guest Colbert's "Late Show" in as many days.

Asked how he's maintained fifteen years "on top" of cable news ratings, O'Reilly credited his own hard work. When Colbert responded by saying, "Those guys at CNN and MSNBC aren't seeing their kids at night," O'Reilly replied, "They're all on crack over there." Though undoubtedly a joke, O'Reilly's comment earned some boos from the "Late Show" audience.

Steering the interview back to his work ethic, O'Reilly distinguished himself from "a lot of anchorpeople who--they don't write their own stuff, they're in makeup for five hours ... like you." Another joke, this time with twice as many boos.

O'Reilly only regained the positivity of the hostile studio audience after predicting Bernie Sanders will win the New Hampshire primary.

"Trump and Sanders are really the same guy," O'Reilly quipped (again to tepid boos). "They just change their facial expressions."

"[T]hey're both tapping into the anger of the voter who feels they're getting hosed," O'Reilly explained before launching into an alleged Bernie Sanders impression.

"Did you just have a stroke just now? What's happening?" Colbert asked. "I'm not sure who you were doing. I wanted to make sure we had EMTs standing by."

Watch Stephen Colbert (and his audience) take Bill O'Reilly to task below:

(h/t The Daily Beast)

Bill O'Reilly Says He'll Go To Ireland If Bernie Sanders Wins

By Brendan Gauthier

Brendan Gauthier is a freelance writer.

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