"Daily Show" host Trevor Noah has good news for those of us who've found ourselves disillusioned by the democratic process in this endlessly frustrating election cycle: "There's an alternative -- fascism." And what candidate better exemplifies a fascist agenda than chest-thumping nationalist Donald Trump?
"I'm not saying that Donald Trump is a fascist," Noah did clarify. "But even just in the last few days he's said and done some things that make it a pretty fascist week."
First, Trump retweeted an unattributed Mussolini quote, which isn't in itself bad, Noah argued, but "once you do know that it's a Mussolini quote, then, at that point, you should probably care." Trump, however, stood by his retweet, asking "Meet the Press" host Chuck Todd, "What difference does it make whether it was Mussolini or someone else?"
Then, on Trump's supposed plans to "loosen up those libel laws," Noah said, "This is especially concerning because, if this man had his way with libel laws, then the media would never be able to report on President Trump's shady business dealings, or his dubious policies, or the fact that he wants to bang his daughter."
Watch the full segment below: