To describe the initial exchange between Donald Trump and Anderson Cooper about the assault charges filed against his campaign manager Corey Lewandowski by Michelle Fields as "testy" would be the height of -- "Let me finish, can I finish? Let me finish" -- understatement, as the likely GOP nominee will not allow the CNN host to finish a single question.
In fact, as Cooper attempted to do so, Trump put his hand in the air and pulled from his pocket a printed version of Fields' statement, which he then spent the next ten minutes dissecting in great detail. As if his word-by-word dismissal of her claims was not bad enough, Trump later accused her of having assaulted him.
"She had a pen," he said, "and the Secret Service doesn't like them. It could be a knife or a bomb or something." Trump also accused her of trying to ask a question, which she shouldn't have been doing since the press conference had already ended.
Watch the frankly amazing exchange below via CNN.