Conservative pundit Ann Coulter thinks Donald Trump is "mental," but apparently that hasn't changed her belief that Trump is the best candidate for the Republican party, RealClearPolitics reports.
In an interview with PJTV Thursday, Coulter said, "If it is still possible for any Republican to win, there is absolutely only one Republican that can possibly win." That Republican being Donald Trump.
"Trump could possibly crush the electoral college by slightly increasing the white vote in certain states," she said, predicticting that battleground states that Republicans lost in 2012 would be in play for Trump, including Michigan, Ohio, Florida, Minnesota, Iowa and New Hampshire. "All he needs is a handful of states," said Coulter, despite new polling reports of a "collapse" in Trump's general election support.
Earlier this week, Coulter, who has been one of Trump's most consistent supporters, unexpectedly expressed some frustration with the GOP frontrunner. "Our candidate is mental ... I am a little testy with our man right now," she said in an interview with Breitbart's Milo Yiannopoulos—who, bizarrely, may or may not be an actual person, according to New York Magazine. "It's like constantly having to bail out your 16-year-old son from prison," Coulter said of Trump's Twitter outbursts, most recently directed Ted Cruz's wife, Heidi. Judging by her comments to PJTV, Coulter's annoyance was short-lived.
Watch Coulter's full PJTV interview below: