Scottie Nell Hughes, the "full-blown nutjob" and frequent CNN contributor lampooned on this weekend's "Saturday Night Live" for her unwavering support for Donald Trump, appeared on CNN Sunday.
Asked to weigh in on her brush with network TV fame, Hughes assured she has "a great sense of humor," calling SNL cast member Cecily Strong's dark-rooted portrayal, "so 2015."
Hughes' reaction shifted, she said, after re-watching the sketch, and reading subsequent headlines, the next morning.
"Talk about the ultimate shaming, the ultimate sexism," she continued. "What does 'SNL' want me to do? Be barefoot and pregnant? Or maybe just talk about parenting issues? ... Just because you don't like the guy that I speak favorably of, then you know they're obviously going to attack."
Nonetheless, Hughes came full circle in very diplomatically admitting, "It was an honor to be portrayed by Cecily Strong."
Hughes was far less diplomatic during her post-CNN interview with The Blaze, in which she disclosed, "Tears have been shed."
"I'm a little shaken after this," she said. "Those who know me know that I’m actually a very insecure person. I read every tweet."
Watch Hughes' full response below: