What can we learn from Google's autocomplete feature? Mostly that people are searching for some awfully strange stuff, especially when it comes to Donald Trump.
We trawled Google for the weirdest, most important questions the internet is asking about Trump and then did our best to answer them:
Who could forget the unsettling jingle performed by the USA Freedom Kids before a Florida Trump rally? One day we may all be compelled to stand up before baseball games and sing it.
Whoever he is, he's doing an A-plus job.
Presumably in a test tube in a lab somewhere.
"It's a terrific, terrific pen, believe me. Very classy."
Donald Trump is probably not Batman.
Donald Trump is definitely not Jesus.
No, you're thinking of Ted Cruz.
Once again, you're confusing Trump with Ted Cruz.
People really need Google to answer this question?
The answer, most likely, is, "Yes, he did really tweet that."
No, Trump's "bacon number" isn't about how many strips of fatback Trump eats for breakfast on given morning. It refers to the internet's favorite parlour game, Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon. Trump's bacon number, as it happens, is two. Among other connections, Trump appeared in "Home Alone 2" with Joe Pesci, who starred alongside Bacon in "JFK."
You probably would have heard about this without having to Google it.
If you listen hard enough, you can hear the sound of a million op-ed columnists typing "What does Donald Trump mean?" into Google.