"Late Night" host Seth Meyers last night took a "Keener Glance" at Britain's "contentious debate over whether to leave the European Union."
A so-called "Brexit" will be decided next month by a popular vote and, if approved, would have international ramifications. It only makes sense then that the issue has crept into the U.S. presidential race. In a Fox News interview last week, Donald Trump said Britain would be "better off without" the E.U.
"The E.U. has always been a difficult project partially because while all these countries share a continent, they don't have a common political system or a single political identity," Meyers explained. "And those differences bubble to the surface every time they debate an issue."
"This all bears some similarity to our current political discourse here in the U.S.," he continued. "Throughout the world we're seeing a rise of (an) anti-immigrant, right-wing strain of isolationism -- whether it's in the rise of Donald Trump or in the British movement to leave the E.U."
Watch the full insightful segment below: