"You're not gonna get to blame us" for Donald Trump: Bill Maher's tired of the right saying liberals caused the billionaire's rise

"If we have to own the man-bun, you have to own The Donald," Maher said

Published May 14, 2016 12:20PM (EDT)

It wouldn't be a proper episode of "Real Time" if host Bill Maher didn't hit the nail on the head with a Donald Trump segment.

"Conservatives can blame liberals for a lot of things," Maher said during his "New Rules" segment. "The one thing you're not gonna get to blame us for is Donald Trump."

"If we have to own the man-bun, you have to own The Donald," he added.

The logic behind the theory is that left-wing PC policing led to the oppositional rise of Trump and his rabid voter base.

"That is their theory, that Trump voters are perfectly nice if left alone," Maher said. "Like raccoons, they just want to eat garbage and crap in your hot tub."

Watch the full segment below:

By Brendan Gauthier

Brendan Gauthier is a freelance writer.

MORE FROM Brendan Gauthier

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