"Duck Dynasty" patriarch Phil Robertson accepts defeat, offers to be Trump's "spiritual adviser": "We have to be loyal to the party"

Robertson's on "the Trump train" now, because he has to be

Published May 18, 2016 3:25PM (EDT)

Phil Robertson               (AP/A&E/Zach Dilgard)
Phil Robertson (AP/A&E/Zach Dilgard)

"Duck Dynasty" patriarch and child-bride proponent Phil Robertson appeared on Fox & Friends Wednesday morning and offered Republican front-runner Donald Trump the benefit of his spiritual assistance.

He said he was "on the Trump train," and that he would do everything in his power -- which largely consists of stealing millions of dollars from Louisiana taxpayers to produce a show with dwindling ratings -- to get the real estate magnate elected.

Even though Robertson endorsed Texas Senator Ted Cruz earlier in the primary season, he insisted that "we have to be loyal to the party. I know Hillary Clinton's record, and Bernie Sanders'. I know their records."

He acknowledged that he doesn't know Trump's, as the businessman doesn't have one, but he said that him being a successful businessman was record enough. "I'll make a valiant attempt behind the scenes to sit down with Donald with a Bible in between us," he said, and teach him about loving God and one's enemies.

Later, he demonstrated that he doesn't understand anything about the American system of governance at all, asking "Why don't we vet our thinking through the word of God, love God and love each other? Why don't we try that for a while? That's my story and I'm sticking to it."

Watch the entire segment below via Fox News.

By Scott Eric Kaufman

MORE FROM Scott Eric Kaufman

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