Great news for Americans looking to get scammed out of their money! Trump says he'll reopen Trump University

"I have instructed my execs to open Trump U(?), so much interest in it!," Trump tweeted

Published June 2, 2016 5:58PM (EDT)

In 2005, Donald Trump announces the formation of Trump University with  Michael Sexton  (AP)
In 2005, Donald Trump announces the formation of Trump University with Michael Sexton (AP)

After recent revelations by former students and three lawsuits alleging Trump University was a scam of epic proportions, Donald Trump vowed on Thursday to reopen the real estate school once the litigation is over, according to Reuters.

The GOP's presumptive nominee tweeted that he would "instruct execs to open Trump U." This follows recent criticism from opponent Hillary Clinton who called Trump a "fraud" and accused him of "scam" with Trump University.

Trump is fighting two federal class action lawsuits in California, and the New York attorney general’s state fraud case. The school is accused of misleading thousands of naive students who paid up to $35,000 for seminars in real estate investment, but left with little to show for their trouble besides a mountain of debt.


By Antoaneta Roussi

MORE FROM Antoaneta Roussi

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