High school students build Trump-themed wall as senior prank, prompting backlash from Latino classmates

"It hurts a lot of people's feelings," one first-generation American student at the N.C. school said through tears

Published June 7, 2016 4:06PM (EDT)

Donald Trump                              (Reuters/Brendan Mcdermid)
Donald Trump (Reuters/Brendan Mcdermid)

Latino students at a high school in Asheville, North Carolina, are alleging racism after seniors "pranked" the school by building a wall of cardboard boxes in reference to GOP nominee Donald Trump's anti-illegal immigration platform, according to local ABC affiliate WLOS.

"In viewing the actual photo and what took place, there's not anything offensive in the photo," school administrator Brian Oliver, referring to an Instagram picture of some 30 students in front of the wall gag. "There was no offensive activity at the time. What became offensive or concerning was what took place on social media afterwards. So, it's hard for the school to have control or to take action against something that happened on social media that was outside school hours and outside any school network."

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Marta Guardian, a first-generation American and one of the Latino students who took exception to the prank, explained her opposition to WLOS.

The prank is inherently offensive, she said, "because it hurts a lot of people's feelings ... They don't really know what people go through to get where they are right now. And some people are privileged to have so much stuff, but some people don't."

Read the full report here.

By Brendan Gauthier

Brendan Gauthier is a freelance writer.

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