Tucker Carlson just can't help himself: "You can see the stew out of which this guy came," he says of Baton Rouge shooter, Black Lives Matter

Carlson argued Obama has "taken a side" in supporting BLM, "and it's not the side of law enforcement, period"

Published July 18, 2016 2:34PM (EDT)

Tucker Carlson        (Fox News)
Tucker Carlson (Fox News)

Fox News' Tucker Carlson, weekend co-host of "Fox & Friends," joined the weekday crew in Cleveland for its Republican National Convention coverage.

Tucker called Sunday's shooting in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, that left three police officers dead, "an attack on the American system itself."

President Obama, responding to the attack, said the shooter's motive is "unknown." It has been reported that the deceased shooter, identified as Gavin Eugene Long, "had no known ties to any extremist groups."

Carlson had a different take.

"You can sort of see where this is going," he said. "You can see the stew out of which this guy came. He’s got all kinds of radical, anti-white statements on the internet, apparently he is a member of the Nation of Islam."

"The president, the attorney general of the United States, the Democratic presumptive nominee for president, have all three endorsed Black Lives Matter," he continued. "So they're taking a really clear stand for this group against the police, not just a specific police department or a specific cop, but all police. Accusing all police of racism. Now I'm not blaming the president or any of those people for this shooting. But clearly they've taken a side and it's not the side of law enforcement, period."

Watch below via MediaMatters:

By Brendan Gauthier

Brendan Gauthier is a freelance writer.

MORE FROM Brendan Gauthier

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Barack Obama Baton Rouge Black Lives Matter Gavin Eugene Long Tucker Carlson