"Mystery Science Theater 3000" is coming back — with Patton Oswalt — in "the not too distant future"

Netflix announced at Comic-Con that Felicia Day and Jonah Ray will also star, Dan Harmon and Joel McHale to write

Published July 25, 2016 1:43PM (EDT)

Beloved cult phenomenon "Mystery Science Theater 3000" will be returning to a small screen near you in "the not too distant future," according to Netflix officials at a panel at Comic-Con Saturday.

The show's creator, Joel Hodgson, raised $5.7 million in a Kickstarter campaign last year, enough to fund at least 14 episodes. In addition to adding perennial fan favorites Patton Oswalt and Felicia Day, Hodgson tapped former "Daily Show" head writer Elliot Kalan to lead the writing team, with "Community" show-runner Dan Harmon and star Joel McHale to assist.

The series -- which ran from 1988 until 1999 -- involves a man and his two robot sidekicks being subjected to experiments, i.e. being forced to watch and comment upon B-at-best-quality science fiction films from the '50s and '60s. Day will play Kinga Forrester, daughter of one of the mad scientists who first inflicted such films on its subjects.

Despite being released under the aegis of Netflix Originals, the show had already begun production using its Kickstarter funding, so there will be little to no editorial oversight as to the films being mocked or the manner in which they are -- although it's not as if the show has rarely, if ever, been mean-spirited in its mockery. As Hodgson told The Wall Street Journal, "'Don't be an a--hole' is pretty much our moniker."

Watch Crave's William Bibbiani's interview with Hodgson and some of the other new cast members below from Comic-Con.

By Scott Eric Kaufman

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