LISTEN: Inflection Point with Lauren Schiller

How women rise up

Published February 8, 2017 12:26PM (EST)

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Every week, host Lauren Schiller invites the extraordinary women who are leading the change in our world to tell their stories–to help us understand a moment when women are embracing their power as never before, and to inspire a future generation of women leaders.

Produced in partnership with KALW 91.7FM in San Francisco, Inflection Point with Lauren Schiller is delivered to public radio stations nationwide via PRX. New episodes every Monday.

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This podcast is part of Salon's new collection of Featured Audio highlighting culturally diverse voices and undiscovered stories.

By Lauren Schiller

Lauren Schiller is the creator and host of Inflection Point, a podcast and public radio show from KALW and PRX featuring stories of how women rise up. For more rising up stories, follow Lauren on Twitter and Facebook, and subscribe to the podcast on Android or Apple.

MORE FROM Lauren Schiller

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Audio Featured Audio Inflection Point Lauren Schiller Podcast Podcasts Women